What does the VOLUNTEER program include at United Way of the Great River Region?
- Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (55+ Initiative)
- Special Initiatives: Literacy Project, Volunteer Income Tax Program, Pen Pal Program
- Special Events: Back to School Festival, Days of Service
- Volunteer Recognition
- Training and capacity building to local nonprofits and organizations
What is a volunteer center?
Is it a place, a concept, or an initiative? Yes!
A volunteer center is a professional organization that facilitates engaging volunteers in meaningful opportunities to serve, heightens awareness of volunteering by recognizing community volunteers and builds the capacity for effective volunteering by providing learning opportunities in volunteer management. United Way of the Great River Region continues to expand its focus on volunteering with the help of our local, state, and federal partners.
AmeriCorps Seniors Program – Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
The AmeriCorps Seniors Program or Retired and Senior Volunteer Program is dedicated to addressing community needs by matching the interests, experience and talents of individuals ages 55 and older with rewarding volunteer opportunities. The program is a federal, state and locally funded partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
United Way of the Great River Region coordinates 16 workstations in Lee County.