United Way does not give directly to individuals but gives grants to local organizations who help individuals with needs.
UWGRR is funded by grants, fundraisers, and donations. Each year there is an annual employee giving campaign from local business and industry as well as an individuals. The employee giving campaigns run from September through December and provides UWGRR with much of its funding for grants to our partnering agencies. Fundraisers are held throughout the year such as our annual golf outings. UWGRR also receives state and federal grants to promote volunteering and support special projects.
We’re always on the lookout for individuals like you to get involved. Volunteers give of their time, talents, and resources to make our agency stronger. Click here for more information.
Funds are used to carry out our mission and support special projects and initiatives.
Our organization takes steps to protect and ensure the safety of our supporters. We do not sell information to other organizations or vendors.
Supporting non-profit agencies that work in the areas of health, education, and financial stability is the prime focus of United Way. For an organization to receive United Way funds, there is an application and an extensive vetting process that happens each fall that coincides with the annual giving campaign. Special needs grants for smaller amounts are available using the same vetting process.